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E-Mail : or Ring 0787 908 2490 !

    Welcome to our current range & stock of 'Pre-Loved' Differentials.

                     If you don't see what you need or fancy - Ring 07879082490 !

1st are 4 Pins, then 'ATBs', followed by 'Auto Lockers', then 'Full Lockers' - Scroll down to what you fancy ( NOT in price order ! )

Good Stock
Call for details

'Second Hand' 'Refurbished' 'Used' ... Whatever you want to call them ... we call ours 'Preloved' !

Whilst it would be lovely to have a lovely custom built, Brand New Ashlocker / Quaife etc, with a fabulous new Heavy Duty Crown Wheel and Pinion + Pegged Casing and so on we know not everyone can either afford or sometimes even justify the costs. We know this - So, whenever possible we like to offer a selection of our 'Pre Loved' Differentials.

These all go through our workshops and are all 100% stripped to the smallest component parts, cleaned, inspected and are then rebuilt to the highest standards we can achieve. Our 'Ultra Build Specification'is the same as all our new Differentials.
We have had customers comment on arrival the differential even looked like new - and that's why we are happy to put our name on them.

We do the very best we can on all our Pre Loved Differentials.

Yes they are 'Used' 'Secondhand', whatever your want to call them, but these offer a significant cost saving and give customers the opportunity to upgrade which might otherwise be outside their budget, and our 'Pre-Loved' Differentials are built to an exceptionally high standard.

In the listings you will often see comments relating to whats been replaced, and their regarding pictures these are not daft 'Stock' ones - the pictures are of the actual differentials in the listing !

The Differentials listed below are NOT in price order. Stock is subject to rapid change - what you see today can be gone in a flash - and when it's gone's gone !.

Out of Stock

Pre Loved KAM HD 4 Pin 10 Spline Center with 3.54 With Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade SN 2025 KAM10S

The is not 'New KAM' - This is proper 'Old School Super HD High Quality OLD KAM '.

These were seriously built way OTT and this unit is in fantastic Condition .... and ...It's a 10 Spline !
We have rebuilt this into a Late Metric Casing, and with a 3.54 Ratio CWP Gearset.
Now, small but important point - being a late casing this does NOT have a filler plug in it - check you have a filler plug on your axles differential pan !

Also, if you have a series LR - please be aware 'Series' as standard with 10 splines have 4.7:1 as 'Standard Ratio' CWP NOT AS THIS IS which is a 3.54...
So do make sure this is what you want - and if it is then read on ....

These were made up to a very very high standard, Not cast steel these are all Billet steel and in a 3 part casing design with a mass of HD 12.9 Grade bolts and a 1 Piece forged cross shaft as standard, these very very rarely fail as they are built to such a high standard, couple this with the fact there are so little HD 10 spline centers about - and you have a little darling of a unit for someone...

Its been completely stripped, cleaned, and all parts repolished, and its just superb.
We have upgraded the casing - converting the daft pins these late casings have by converting and upgraded to our 'Domex Carrier Cap upgrade - see pics. This unit was seriously close to going 'self destruct' - one pin as can be seen has badly deformed, these pins often shear off, when they fall they cause catastophic failures - our upgrade whilst it adds a bit to the price is well worth the small extra costs.... and additional strength and reliabilty.

Build wise - It's a Full Ultra Build spec, all new Timken bearings, Genuine Pinion Seal, all new and upgraded HD CWP bolts - 10.9 Grade with Nordlocks - as the FTC5150 don't bite into KAM metal, its soooo damned tough, so this is what we use on Quaifes and other super hard metal centers ! .

Then finished off with a Puma Drive Flange upgrade, and our Superflange and a beautiful blue check - that's some 10 spline Differential !!
And... when this is gone its gone, gawd knows when we might get another......they tend to be hung on to !

Price, as with all our Differentials is a OUTRIGHT Cost - ie NO Surcharges, NO Exchange Costs.

Out of Stock

Stunning HD Pre Loved HD Military 4 Pin with a New 3.54 CWP and Pegged Casing SN PL-24-Military

If only we could find more of these !..........
This is an late 1980s Ex Military HD 4 Pin Centre, which was made for the MOD to put the the rear axkes of a few of the armys LR 90s, where they were required due to carrying excessive weight.

These were one of the few differentials that LR pretty much got right - Probably because of who the customer was !.
Later these crossed over to civilian use and for a short time were fitted as standard to LR V8 90 Rear axles, Oh.....and then discontinued - probably due to the very high build costs.

Military 4 Pins have a 'one piece forged cross shaft' - as standard - You can still buy one - John Craddocks have them FRC8189 £518.77 - and - that's JUST the 'forged cross shaft' !.
These were exceptionally well made and super super strong, this one was bought in with a badly chipped crown wheel and pinion, the customer upgraded to a ATB and we ended up with this lovely unit !

Its been completely stripped, cleaned, and all parts repolished, and its just superb.
We have upgraded the original casing - converting it to a 'pegged casing' for additional strength - and to protect this lovely center - its possibly coming up for 60 years old - but being so well made and such high quality - it's like new !!

Build wise - It's a Full Ultra Build spec, all new Timken bearings, Genuine Pinion Seal, all new and upgraded HD CWP bolts 12.9 Grade FTC5150s, Puma Drive Flange upgrade, and our Superflange upgrade all back into its newly upgreaded 'Pegged Casing' with a beautiful new Antonio Maserio 3.54 Standard Italian CWP to finish it off !

Look at the blue check - thats perfection in blue lol !!

You want something seriously strong that doesn't break your bank (too much) ..Here you go ...and this is good (being a new CWP) for either your front or rear axles.
This is a fabulous differential for less than you might think - proper old school quality and now rebuilt and upgraded...and ... when this is gone its gone, gawd knows when we might get another.......

Price, as with all our Differentials is a OUTRIGHT Cost - ie NO Surcharges, NO Exchange Costs.

Single Item


New Ashcroft 4 Pin Tablocked Center HD 3.5 Reverse CWP, Pegged Casing and Forged Cross Shaft - It's a monster of a unit ! -SN : ASH-4P-TL-35F

This is a very seriously strong Multi Upgraded 4 Pin Differential, specifically for a FRONT AXLE.

This is because it has a 'Reverse Rotaion / Front Cut' CWP (See 'FAQ' section for video that explains why this is so special and for a Front Axle - Do NOT buy this and fit in the Rear Axle - this is a dedicated Differential for a FRONT axle ! ).

The Upgrades are - A Aqua Blast Clean and refreshed Ashcroft Peggd Casing to which we have added our Domex Carrier cap Conversion.

A brand new Ashcroft 4 pin center has been upgraded with our 'Tablock' Upgarde and with the addition of one of our special internal One Piece 'Forged Cross Shaft' units. Then a Full Ultra Build spec, with all new Timken bearings, Genuine Pinion Seal, all new and upgraded Bolts + Nordlocks, Puma Drive Flange upgrade, and our Superflange upgrade to finish it off !

You want something strong ? - This is massively strong ! - All in all this is a seriously upgraded 4 Pin Differential.

Price, as with all our Differentials is a OUTRIGHT Cost - ie NO Surcharges, NO Exchange Costs.

Single Item


Absolutely Off Road Only - Pegged Casing HD 3.5 CWP and 4 pin Centre Stock Number : Le Hyena

Say hello to 'Le Hyena' Diff - and - DO NOT EVEN THINK OF BUYING THIS FOR A ROAD BASED 4x4 !!

This is an odd ball Differential, we do these just now and again, and there is a 'Strong Clue', when the stock number for this unit is called ... 'Le Hyena' !!!!

It's going to be nosiey when driven - how noisey - we don't know but IT ABSOLUTELY WILL BE.......
This is for a Off Road 4x4 only , maybe a trailer, or a Comp Safari spare etc etc...someone who is on a budget, wants a really strong and hopefully a really cheap (and noisey) diff ......So..why so bad ?

Why is simple.
Although it's in a Preloved Ashcroft Pegged Casing and it also has a HD 3.5 Crown Wheel and Pinion, this CWP has not been looked after.

It's suffered lack of maintenance and has got water damage on the teeth, it's pitted, and as a result its near scrap, (if this was standard CWP it would be in our skip)
but it not - its an Ashcroft HD CWP it's not weaker becuase of the pitting really, its not, but rust and pitting makes CWPs nosiey.

Similarly the center, although its a 4 pin, its not exactly in its '1st spring of youth', but it's a 4 pin none the less, so its all been stripped, ultrasonic cleaned and everything has spent many long happy hours in our polishing machines. We have then decided that it's all too good to just throw away, and have made a seriously strong, and madly cheap off road special !.

This still has a mass of new parts - all new Bearings, new drive flange, upgraded HD crown wheel bolts, upgraded carrier cap bolts, and our superflange upgrade, same as all our builds - and it's as good as we can get it, but, this is absolutely (sadly) is no good at all for any road based truck (....unless maybe you are deaf anyway ?)

So, there you have it, a bloody strong off road diff that is as cheap as chips (this if new would be circa bordering on £1600 if all new !), so if you fancy something bonkers strong and cheap you are looking at it. The last one of these we did didn't hang around long, its hardly a great earner for us, but we really really hate throwing anyway things that with some work could go again - and make someones day .....

No Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required this is an outright purchase price.

Out of Stock

New 24 Spline Ashcroft 4 Pin in Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade and 3.54 Crown Wheel and Pinion - SN 24-4P-2

Hmmm - the Land Rover you have really needs a nice new differential, and as in this case here - this qualifies as good for either a front or rear fitment.

You don't want a 'Locker', nor an ATB' - you just want a really nice new strong quality differential, preferably without breaking your bank too much, but in a Pegged casing to make it way stronger and protect your investment for a little more expenditure........

So here maybe is possibly what you are looking for ?.....Nice specification - definately stronger than the rather useless standard diffs - but not bonkers on specification or costs ?

Here we have a Brand New Ashcroft '4 Pin' centre....Way way way stronger than the normal '2 Pin' standard LR fitment

This is our normal Full Ultra Build spec, Rebuilt into a very late and very low mileage 'Puma' Casing with its 3.54 CWP, and with our Domex Carrier Cap and HD Locking Ear conversion, finished off nicely with the fitting of a New Puma round drive flange.

Its madness having something that spins around at high speed thats square ? - round is better - Ah yes, but Square ones are cheaper...
Puma Round ones we use are a little more expensive but so much betetr - so here we have a Puma ROUND drive flange + our Superflange upgrade + all built up lovely unit - ready to fit

Whilst this might be one of our less expensive diffs the standard of build is the same as if our top end builds.
If you look at the pictures for example - the new Crown wheel bolts are genuine Land Rover military 'Wolf' bolts - HD Flange head 12.9 Grade, the Carrier Caps bolts are all new and also 12.9 Grade with special 'Nordlock' (expensive but the best out there) washers - and so on.

Nice, simple, good value, 'kin' strong - Oh.... and a really nice example, without going over board on either specification or costs.
No Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required this is an outright purchase price.

Single Item


New 24 Spline Ashcroft 4 Pin + Forged Cross Shaft and Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade and 3.54 Crown Wheel and Pinion SN 24-4P-2

Hmmm - the Land Rover you have really needs a nice new differential, and, in this case here - this qualifies as good for either a front or rear fitment.

You don't want a 'Locker', nor an ATB' but yes to a 'Pegged Casing' and you just want a really nice new strong quality differential, preferably without breaking your bank too much, .....
definately stronger than the rather useless standard diffs..... here maybe is what you are looking for .....

Here we have a Brand New Ashcroft '4 Pin' centre....Way way stronger than the normal '2 Pin' standard LR fitment, and much much stronger still as we have binned the 2 x 'cross over' cut out internal shafts and replaced them with oue of our own one piece bonkers strong one piece 'Forged Cross Shafts' Upgrades

Full Ultra Build spec, being rebuilt into a very late and very low mileage 'Puma' Casing with its 3.54 CWP, and with our Domex Carrier Cap and HD Locking Ear conversion, finished off nicely with the fitting of a New Puma round drive flange.

Why would you have something that spins around at speed thats square ? - round is better - ah - but Square ones are cheaper THATS WHY ...
so here we have a Puma ROUND drive flange + our Superflange upgrade + all built up into this lovely unit - ready to fit.

Whilst this might be one of our less expensive diffs the standard of build is the same as if our top end builds.

If you look at the pictures for example - the new Crown Wheel bolts are genuine Land Rover military 'Wolf' bolts - HD Flange head 12.9 Grade, the Carrier Caps bolts are all new and also 12.9 Grade with special 'Nordlock' (expensive but the best out there) washers - and so on.

Nice, simple, good value, seriously this is'kin' strong - Oh.... and a really nice example, without going too over board on either specification or costs.
No Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required this is an outright purchase price.

Single Item


Outright Purchase - On its own - No Differential in exchange required (See note below)


Purchase with a suitable exchange unit in P Ex again See notes below or just ring.

PreLoved PUMA 110 4 Pin Short Nose Differential with a Forged Cross Shaft Upgrade and Lovely DANA (USA) 3.54 Crown Wheel Pinion plus Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade SN 24-110-4P-1

These are the other type of Land Rover Differentials fitted to Later 110 Raer Axles - - Known as 'P38 Diffs', 'Wolf Diffs' or just plain 'Short Nose Diffs'.

These cause all sorts of issues - and failures as they are not - in anyway shape or form - a Decent replacement for the Older 'Salisbury' Axle which was previously fitted to 110 rear axles.

There is a Video in the 'Video Section' called 'Everything that can go wrong with a Short Nose Differential' - We suggest you watch it ! - If a Picture is worth a 1000 words, this video is 10x that !

We now do all sorts of upgrades to make these differentials far far stronger and more therefore more reliable, this unit has some but not all of those upgrades

We rebuild many of these now, along with some or all of our upgrades both in 'Pegged' and 'UnPegged' Casings, this unit is 'Unpegged'.
BUT mentioned we have removed many of the main failure points of these units. Frankly we feel we don't wnat to supply customer with these units without the Domex Carrier Cap upgrade etc, as we thing they would be wasting their money - so whilst like this differential we try to keep the final costs down, there are some things we belive are just too risky to leave 'as is' and risk the unit failing. At trhe end of the day these are going in a 3.5 Tonne tow capable 110 or 130, a hollow pin each side of the diff holding it all together is in our opinion just not something we will put our names to ...

So, this does not now have the daft silly and weak 3mm Hollow roll pin which (often fails) holding the entire differential together - it has been Upgraded with our Domex 700MC 'Carrier Cap Conversion' with our own HD CS80 Grade 'locking ears' - Massively stronger. This roll pin nonsense was purely a 'Cost Saving' idiotic idea from LR

2nd, the 2 x internal crossover shafts which break (each having 50% cut out at the center where they cross so no it does not have 2 x 18mm cross shafts, it has 2 x 18mm cross shafts with a huge 'notch' out of both.... so its 18mm x 9mm ..... !!) so these have been binned and one of our monster strong one piece forged cross shafts has been added - never ever have we seen one broken.... in 15 years...

And 3rd - we have upgraded all the bolts, from the Crown Wheel to the Carrier Caps, and even the Pinion itself has a stonger grade 10.9 Grade Flange Headed Bolt.

All in all this makes this unit hugely stronger, then on top of all of this ( 4th !) the casing is also one of the very late types which has locking collets between the case and the caps, and as you can see from the Blue Check, this has turned out an absolutely beauty, so both stronger and super quiet !

A 'NO Exchange' Purchase is possible, see 1st Option, but if you have a core unit to exchange we will ship and then refund on reciept of an acceptable unit, Exchange unit doesn't mean 100% working and perfect - ring to discuss. We are very reasonable to deal with and sure we can help :D ).
We will also consider taking a P38 2 pin unit in P/Ex (for not as much though LOL )

Single Item


Outright Purchase - On its own - No Differential in exchange required (See note below)


Purchase with a suitable exchange unit in P Ex again See notes below or just ring.

PreLoved PUMA 110 4 Pin Short Nose Forged Cross Shaft Pegged Casing 3.54 Domex SN 24-110-4P-3

Here is another option for your replacement differential in your 110 rear axle.

There is a Video in the 'Video Section' called 'Everything that can go wrong with a Short Nose Differential' - We suggest you watch it ! - If a Picture is worth a 1000 words, this video is 10x that !

We now do all sorts of upgrades to make these differentials far far stronger and more therefore more reliable, this unit has pretty much all of the upgrades, (it has 3 of the 4 we can offer) but not all of them. ! But, make no mistake this is a very seriously upgraded stronger 110 unit than you will find anywhere else - other than our 'Ultra' 110 unit...which we may have one for sale have a lookie or phone to chat.

We rebuild many of these now, along with some or all of our upgrades both in 'Pegged' and 'UnPegged' Casings, this unit is 'PEGGED' (1st Upgrade).
AND mentioned we have removed many of the other main failure points of these units.

This unit has both the Domex Carrier Cap upgrade, so this now does not now have the daft silly and weak 3mm Hollow roll pin which (often fails) holding the entire differential together - it has upgraded with our Domex 700MC 'Carrier Cap Conversion' with our own HD CS80 Grade 'locking ears' - Massively stronger. This roll pin nonsense was purely a 'Cost Saving' idiotic idea from LR (Upgrade No 2)

Additionally, this unit has had the 2 x internal crossover shafts which break (each having 50% cut out at the center where they cross so no it does not have 2 x 18mm cross shafts, it has 2 x 18mm cross shafts with a huge 'notch' out of both.... so its 18mm x 9mm ..... !!) ....these have been binned and one of our monster strong 'one piece forged cross shafts' has been added (3rd Upgrade)- never ever have we seen one broken.... in 15 years...

And 3rd - we have upgraded all the bolts, from the Crown Wheel to the Carrier Caps, and even the Pinion itself has a stonger grade 10.9 Grade Flange Headed Bolt, and finished with a new Drive Flange genuine seal, and of course our Superflange upgrade. Quite a differential !

All in all this makes this unit massively stronger, then on top of all of this the casing is also one of the very late types which has locking collets between the case and the caps, all in all so so much stronger and therefore reliable quiet !

A 'NO Exchange' Purchase is possible, see 1st Option, but if you have a core unit to exchange we will ship and then refund on reciept of an acceptable unit, Exchange unit doesn't mean 100% working and perfect - ring to discuss. We are very reasonable to deal with and sure we can help :D ).
We will also consider taking a P38 2 pin unit in P/Ex (for not as much though LOL )

Out of Stock

Pre Loved 24 Spline PUMA 110 Ultimate 4 Pin Short Nose Differential - 'The Strongest we can build' - Just watch the Video


These are the other type of Land Rover Differentials - Know as 'P38 Diffs', 'Wolf Diffs' or just plain 'Short Nose Diffs'.
Fitted to Late TD5 110 and 130s Rear axles (standard 'Long Nose' in the Front Axles), P38 Range Rovers Front and Rear and Wolf Military Land Rovers.

Oh we are so so Chuffed

We have an "Ideas" list .......some ideas are bonkers....... and after more sane thought they get either modified or dropped,....... and those we think are a really good ideas can take an age to actually / ever get to the top of the list to get developed ....and done..

Well August 23rd was one of those days.... that a big idea that has been on the "Defo To Do" list finally got done - After around 18 months of actually sorting it !.
The Land Rover 110 4 Pin Rear Differential 'Multiple strength Upgrade Project' - And, this is the actual Diff Prototype I guess No 1 that we have done - with many many others in various optional upgrades we are sure are to come - its desperately needed and there is nothing out there like this.

THIS Differential has EVERY Optional Strength Upgrade we can do to make this the strongest unit you can buy - ANYWHERE.

Jesus. what were LR doing when they launched that as a replacement for the Salisbury ? ...

It's just not a great Diff at all, now they have been out and about for a while they are showing up all sorts of design issues and failures.
Other than just being 'On the List'...due to the sheer increases in these units coming in, many with terminal issues, we decided to jump this project up to the top of the list so we could offer customers a way superior replacement 4 Pin 110 Rear Differential as there is nothing like this out there - and boy is it needed. This was fianlly decided to finalise when a new to us customer said his rebuilt diff bought elsewhere lasted 7 months before failing exactly as the last 2 did ...

This video shows the various design issues, and our upgrades and fixes of the 110 Short Nose 4 pin Differential and covers the FOUR upgrades we can now offer to make this Differential so much stronger - oh - and this unit has all four upgrades !

Nothing else out there exists at this level - it is the 'Xcess4x4s Ultimate 110 4 Pin Differential' - ready for its next owner.

Click to watch video - It's a stunning differential !.

A 'NO Exchange' Purchase is possible, see 1st Option, or with an exchange - Oh, and 'Exchange' unit doesn't mean 100% working and perfect - Ring to discuss.

We will also consider taking a P38 2 pin unit in P/Ex (for not as much though LOL )

Single Item


Outright Purchase - On its own - No Differential in exchange required (See note below)


Purchase with a suitable exchange unit in P/Ex (again, see notes below or just ring.)

Pre Loved 24 Spline PUMA 110 4 Pin Short Nose Differential Rare HD Factory SV Unit with 3.54 Crown Wheel Pinion and our Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade SN 24-110-4P-SV

These are the other type of Land Rover Differentials - Know as 'P38 Diffs', 'Wolf Diffs' or just plain 'Short Nose Diffs'.
Fitted to Late TD5 110 and 130s Rear axles (standard 'Long Nose' in the Front Axles), P38 Range Rovers Front and Rear and Wolf Military Land Rovers.

These have LOTS of issues faults and weaknesses. This is a rare factory special HD upgrade unit, which we have upgraded further !.

We are being asked more and more to offer these as rebuilt units, BUT this one - Upgraded as this is - offers a stronger replacement differential for not a lot of £s !.

We have upgraded the carrier caps with our Domex 700MC 'Carrier Cap Conversion' with HD CS80 Grade locking ears - Massively stronger, the standard roll pin nonsense was purely a 'Cost Saving' idiotic idea from LR.

Secondly, this has a factory 'One Piece forged cross shaft' replacing the standard (very weak) 'cross over type cross shafts', this is a factory unit, and yes we make our own - but - in 16 years inc when we were at KAM Diffs who made these - we have never seen one break.

The entire Differential has been totally stripped checked cleaned and rebuilt including a new Genuine Drive flange and Genuine Pinion Seal, plus our 'Superflange' upgrade, and full Ultra Build spec with upgraded bolts everywhere - we never reuse old bolts - not worth the risk.

Looking at the pictures you might be excused for thinking this was a new unit - it's not but its the quality that we set as our goal - to make our preloved units as good as we possibly can

A 'NO Exchange' Purchase is possible, see 1st Option, or with an exchange - Oh, and 'Exchange' unit doesn't mean 100% working and perfect - Ring to discuss.

We will also consider taking a P38 2 pin unit in P/Ex (for not as much though LOL )

Single Item


Pre Loved 24 Spline KAM 4 Pin Long Nose Differential + 'Forged Cross Shaft with 3.54 Ratio CWP - SN 24-KAM-4P16

A Lovely KAM Differentials '4 Pin' 24 spline differential. Known for being way OTT in terms of build strength - just look at both the number of bolts used AND the thickness of the end flanges !. These are strong - really sttrong.

Internally the OTT strength build shows - a 1 Piece Forged Cross Shaft was and is STANDARD !

Still probably the strongest 4 pin unit out there, this is a full Ultra Build Spec, all new timken bearings, New Puma Drive flage upgrade, New Genuine seal, then our Superflange upgrade.

This has all been rebuilt into a very late 'PUMA' Colletted Casing, which we have then further upgraded with our Domex 700MC carrier cap conversion.
This rids the casing of its achilles heel - the standard factory hollow 3mm roll pin trying hard to hold it all together and not blow up, and them added our own HD Locking adjuster ring 'Ears' made from CS80 and bolted in place.

Basically a very very very nice seriously seriously strong 4 Pin 3.54 differential thats not going to break your bank too much ! .

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required.


Pre Loved 24 Spline KAM 4 Pin with one piece'Forged Cross Shaft' New Antonio Maserio 3.54 CWP in Pegged Casing - SN 24-KAM-4P-1

A Old School KAM Differentials '4 Pin'. These are seriously strong - take a look at the amount of 12.9 Grade bolts holding the 3 piece center together for starters !.
Even Pre Loved we think these are still the strongest 4 Pin Centres money can buy - Just not made in this quality and specification anymore sadly

The end flanges - just look - these are super thick units - just look at the thickness, additionally this has the special and ultra rare long 12.9 Grade Hex bolts KAM had made for this very reason, and we have added the amazing Nordlock NLX washers to all 10 x Crown Wheel Bolts. Internally it's like new, and has a 1 Piece Forged Cross Shaft - we have never EVER seen one break in 16 years - Bonkers Strong !

It's a full Ultra Build Spec, then our Superflange upgrade, a Puma Late 'Round Flange'..... Why for something spinning at speed off road would you use a cheap square one - ah, yes of course to save a few £s as its cheaper, so, we use the far superior late Puma 'Round' Drive Flanges whenever we can - hugely worth the extra money over 'Square'.

This is all built up into a Aquablast Cleaned refreshed and repainted Ashcroft Pegged Casing, and, we have upgraded this Pegged Casing further with our Tig Welded Domex 700MC Carrier Cap upgrade and then finally a new 3.54 Ratio Standard CWP set from Antonio Maserio - serious italian quality, super quiet too.

And finally after a lot of work - you end up with this .....a very nice seriously seriously strong ready to fit differential with some massive strength upgrades.
Not your normal 4 pin Differential, this is something very rare and very special - an exceptional KAM 4 Pin Differentail in superb condition.

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required.

Single Item


Outright Purchase - On its own - No Differential in exchange required (See note below)


Purchase with a suitable exchange unit in P/Ex (again, see notes below or just ring.)

Pre Loved 24 Spline 110 4 Pin Short Nose Differential 3.54 Crown Wheel Pinion with our One Piece Forged Cross Shaft upgrade plus a Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade SN 24-110-4P2

These are the other type of Land Rover Differentials - Known as 'P38 Diffs', 'Wolf Diffs' or just plain 'Short Nose Diffs'.
These are ONLY FITTED to Late TD5 110 and 130s Rear axles (standard 'Long Nose' in the Front Axles), P38 Range Rovers Front and Rear and Wolf Military 110 Land Rovers.

These have LOTS of issues faults and weknesses, this has been upgraded with our unique 'Domex Carrier Cap Conversion' - possibly the number 1 failure issue of these, plus,on this unit we have also upgraded a bit further, in that we have swapped out the 'Cross Over' internal shafts which are known to fail, replacing them with one of our 'Forged cross shafts - (never ever had one of these FCS fail in 14 years !)

Whilst we can make these stronger still (see further down we may have one) this is good to go as a fully rebuilt 4 Pin Center with our No 1 - we would even say essential upgrade and No 2 (FCS) upgrades
The 'Carrier Cap' upgrade is really an essential in our opinion - We don't sell these Short Nose units now without them its so important. Bear in mind this could be a 3.5 Tonne Towing / heavy load carrying 4x4 do you really want the differential in the rear held together with 2 x silly hollow pins vs our carrier cap upgrade with out own CS80 grade steel ears ? (see the video in the short nose section of the video tab on this website for more information) - The roll pins nonsense was purely a 'Cost Saving' idiotic idea from LR. Additionally this is a Late Puma Casing, so benifits from the collected type casing LR did to try to strengthen (and failed) but it helps when added to our carrier cap upgrade !

We, amongst the verious other upgrades, now rebuild these, 'Pegged' and 'UnPegged', this however is 'Unpegged' the 'Pegged' is yet a further upgrade and jumps the overall costs up - so we like to offer a range - then customers can choose what fits their needs best. If in doubt ring and chat - advice is always neutral... and free.

The entire Differential has been totally stripped checked cleaned and rebuilt including a new Genuine Drive flange and Genuine Pinion Seal, plus our 'Superflange' upgrade, and full Ultra Build spec with upgraded bolts + Nordlock washers, the amazing carrier cap upgrade and then the one piece Forged Cross Shaft to finish it all off.

A 'NO Exchange' Purchase is possible, see 1st Option, or with an exchange - Oh, and 'Exchange' unit doesn't mean 100% working and perfect - Ring to discuss.

We will also consider taking a P38 2 pin unit in P/Ex (for not as much though LOL )

Out of Stock

New Ashcroft 24 Spline ATB Plus 'DANA' 3.54 Standard Ratio - Stock No PL2024 ATB 3.54

Have a lookie at the 'A-Z of Land Rover Differentials section regarding what an 'ATB' is if you are unsure.

In simple terms on an 'Open' Differential driving on wet roads, sand, snow, mud, or even wet grass, one wheel typically breaks traction allowing all the drive to the wheel which then spins, loosing traction, and shortly after - you are stationary !.

Additionally standard 2 pin differentials are desperately weak and fragile and break so easily. These ATBs are very very strong..... along with a massive jump in traction.

Now, this lovely unit starts off with a New Ashcroft ATB (often referred to as a 'LSD' 'Limited Slip Diff' - Technically incorrect but sort of ok lol) which has been fitted into an extremely late Puma 'Colletted' Casing - which we have stengthened and upgraded with our Domex Carrier Cap upgrade - getting rid of the daft pin trying (and often failing) to hold the 2 sides of the diff center together.... a common failure issue. This is the standard 3.54 Ratio CWP, ......and just check out that Blue Print ! ...that's entirely due to the fact this is a 'DANA' (Made in the USA and fabulous Quality) unit, probably the best qulaity standard CWP gearset you can get on a Land Rover.

The casing has been completely stripped cleaned and then all assembled with our full 'Ultra Build' spec, assembled with all new Timken Bearings, Genuine Pinion Seal, our Superflange upgrade, upgraded Crown Wheel Bolts with special Nordlock Washers, Puma Flange upgrade, oh, and don't forget that carrier cap upgrade - it makes a massive difference to strength and reliability - and it's all ready to fit to either your front or rear axle.

Now, a warning ....If this is your 1st ATB - then the rear is the axle to fit it too...but ...there is a major down side with these .....
Many many customers buy 'Just the one thanks Nige' and then, having fitted one to the rear, and being stunned by the additional grip traction and general feeling of it just behaving safer, and the improved handling on and off road with the grip and traction these give ....end up coming back for a front lol have been warned !

ATBs are HUGELY underestimated, better traction better grip really these can and do transform your LRs drivability ....and they are very very strong units and, ...this one is a beauty !

If in any doubt ring and chat - NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required this is an outright purchase price.

Single Item


New Ashcroft 24 Spline ATB Plus 'DANA' 3.54 Standard Ratio - Stock No PL2024 ATB 3.54

Have a lookie at the 'A-Z of Land Rover Differentials section regarding what an 'ATB' is if you are unsure.

In simple terms on an 'Open' Differential driving on wet roads, sand, snow, mud, or even wet grass, one wheel typically breaks traction allowing all the drive to the wheel which then spins, loosing traction, and shortly after - you are stationary !.

Additionally standard 2 pin differentials are desperately weak and fragile and break so easily. These ATBs are very very strong..... along with a massive jump in traction.

Now, this lovely unit starts off with a New Ashcroft ATB (often referred to as a 'LSD' 'Limited Slip Diff' - Technically incorrect but sort of ok lol) which has been fitted into one of our Pegged Casing for addirional strength, along with the standard 3.54 Ratio CWP.

The casing has been completely stripped cleaned and then all assembled with our full 'Ultra Build' spec, assembled with all new Timken Bearings, Genuine Pinion Seal, our Superflange upgrade, upgraded Crown Wheel Bolts with special Nordlock Washers, Puma Flange upgrade, and it's all ready to fit to either your front or rear axle.

Now, a warning ....If this is your 1st ATB - then the rear is the axle to fit it too...but ...there is a major down side with these .....
Many many customers buy 'Just the one thanks Nige' and then, having fitted one to the rear, and being stunned by the additional grip traction and general feeling of it just behaving safer, and the improved handling on and off road with the grip and traction these give ....end up coming back for a front lol have been warned !

ATBs are HUGELY underestimated, better traction better grip really these can and do transform your LRs drivability ....and they are very very strong units and, ...this one is a beauty !

If in any doubt ring and chat - NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required this is an outright purchase price.

Single Item


Pre Loved 10 spline Tru Trac ATB - REAR 3.54 Standard Ratio SN 24-TT2

Have a lookie at the 'A-Z of Land Rover Differentials section regarding what an 'ATB' is if you are unsure, but, in simple terms on an 'Open' Differential driving on wet roads, sand, snow, mud, or even wet grass, one wheel typically breaks traction allowing all the drive to the wheel which then spins.. loosing traction, the other wheel the same as it's now staionary !.

ATBs will always try to equalise the torque / drive to each wheel, this reduces the possibility of a spinning situation and thus gives superior grip and handling.

The Tru Trac ATB (often reffered to as a 'LSD' 'Limited Slip Diff' - Technically incorrect but sort of ok lol) is a quality unit, not quite up there with Quaife, but very very well made with high grade metals and gearsets. These are still avaiable new and just the center alone is over £800 such is the quality, so when these appear 'pre loved' they are very desirable ...Even more so as this is the more rare '10 Spline' version.

It's been completely stripped cleaned and rebuilt. Full Ultra Build spec, assembled with all new Timken bearings, our Superflange upgrades, to finish it off.
They come in both Front and Rear flavours - this is a Rear, the clamping being slightly more powerful than front versions, and assembled into a really nice condition standard casing, along with 3.54 CWP (standard LR Ratio)>/p> This could also suit some Series 4x4s that want higher ratio differentials for more relaxed crusing - but if you have a Series 4.7 you will need to make sure / change the other diff to a 3.54 'something' to match this - you must not run different Ratios front and rear - free wheeling hubs or not !).

*** 3 x Things to check here before you press the 'Buy' Button !!.***

No 1. This is a 10 Spline units - NOT 24 spline unit.
No 2. This is a 3.54 Standard Ratio version CWP - not the earlier 4.7 'Series Ratios'.
No 3. Casing does NOT have a filler plug in it - So check you have one in your Axle Diff pans !.

If in any doubt ring and chat - NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required this is an outright purchase price.

Single Item


Pre Loved Quaife 12k ATB in a 'Big Bearing' Upgraded Pegged Casing with Brand New HD Ashcroft 3.5 Rear Crown Wheel and Pinion

Oooo Sir.

In the world of 4x4ing, and motorsport generally get a group of enthusiasts around a table and they won't agree on much - best shocks, best gearboxes, best lockers, but just throw in the word 'QUAIFE' and the huge majority will say ' oh, Quaife....well, er yes - they are just superb'...Erm...well it's a Quaife ATB...pretty much thats enough said !.

If you know your motorsport companies then you will know exactly how fabulous Quaife is, and as an ATB here, albeit a preloved and older model - it's still a Quaife !.

Its been completely stripped cleaned and rebuilt. Full Ultra Build spec, assembled with all new Timken bearings, our superflange upgrade, plus our very special 'Big Bearing' Upgrade to the Pegged Casing....
If you are thinking what and why is this 'big Bearing' conversion so good - Click here to watch a video on our big bearing conversion

There are 2 x pictures of the front of the vcasing showing the CNC machining for the New 'Big Bearing' conversion, then a second showing the MASSIVE new upgraded Bearing race pressed in. Watch the video and see just why this is such a massive upgrade in terms of reliability and strength, and a new Ashcroft HD 3.5 rear CWP gearset to finish it off.

We rarely see these as they are known as the best you can get, so they tend to get held on to. What a fabulous build, what a fabulous differential !.

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required this is an outright purchase price.

Out of Stock

New Ashcroft ATB with Ashcroft Pre Loved 4.75 Front Cut CWP in PUMA Casing with Domex carrier Cap Upgrade SN 24-ATB-475-1

At 1st glance you might say 'Isn't this brand new ??...' Yes it looks it but its not quite.
The Pegged Casing & ATB and all internals are new with the exception of the HD Ashcroft Crown Wheel and Pinion.

This was taken in P/ex from a customer who had been poorly advised in what Ratio change he needed, it didn't take him long to cotton on either !. So, its done hardly any miles as you can see, and we sent him much much happier with new 3.75s !.

So, here it is - its virtually brand new, looks brand new, has all the upgrades, all new bolts,Genuine pinion seal, Puma Drive flange, Superflange, and being that this is for front fitment - a front Oil Vane upgrade. Fully built back up to our Ultra Spec grade, into a 'Colletted' Late Puma Pegged Casing and with our Domex Carrier Cap to finish off a stunning ATB

Quite a saving over a new version of this, so grab a bargain. If we hadn't told you it was not all brand new you would never have known - its that good !

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


Pre Loved Detriot 10 spline Auto Locking Differential plus LAND ROVER 4.7 Ratio CWP

Here we have a really nice low mileage (been in storage for years) Detriot 10 spline 'AutoLocker'.

This has been stripped and rebuilt into a Split Nose Series casing (fits Series 1 2s or 3s) with a 4.7:1 Ratio CWP (Standard Series Ratio) We have kept everything on the outside that is 'Visible' Original with new locktabs but repolished original bolts new dust sheild and new drive flange and seal, but on the inside we have upgraded the CWP Bolts to FTC5150 12.9 Grade for more strength being its now a Detriot !. We have also upgraded the Carrier cap bolts again with 12.9 Grade bolts and Nordlock washers - again for additional strength - Detriot do Grip !!

Rarely do we get these units in this sort of condition, a really nice unit for not a huge amount of £s

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


Pre Loved Detriot Auto Locker 24 spline Differential with 3.54 Ratio Crown Wheel and Pinion in a Metric Casing SN 24-DET-1

Yes, as we call them - he 'Marmite' Differential. You either Love em ....or Loathe em...LOL.
However, if you know about these - they are as tough as they come, and nothing weirder in the way they work (See A-Z of Land Rover Diffs on this website to understand fully how these work !)

But, if you know what they are and you love them, then here it is in all it's weird glory.

YOU CAN ONLY fit these in a Rear axle - NEVER EVER EVER fit these in a front axle !. This unit has had a complete and Full Ultra Spec Build, new Puma Drive flange and our Superflange upgrade. + Rear Oil Vane upgreade too.

It has been rebuilt with a Late Puma Colletted Casing and has our Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade this is NOT pegged really to help to keep the costs down.

A hell of a unit offering a absolute massive increase in traction and strength for money that won't break the bank.

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


Pre Loved Detriot Auto Locker 24 spline Differential with 3.54 Ratio Crown Wheel and Pinion in a Metric Casing SN 24-DET-1

Yes, as we call them - he 'Marmite' Differential. You either Love or Loathe.
However, if you know about these - they are as tough as they come, and nothing weirder in the way they work (See A-Z of Land Rover Diffs on this website to understand fully how these work !)

But, if you know what they are and you love them, then here it is in all it's weird glory.

YOU CAN ONLY fit these in a Rear axle - NEVER EVER EVER fit these in a front axle !. This unit has had a complete and Full Ultra Spec Build, new Puma Drive flange and our Superflange upgrade. + Rear Oil Vane upgreade too.

It has been rebuilt with a Early Metric casing which is one of the strongest as it needs to really have a case up to the strength a Detriot jusifies, we have not gone as far as pegging it to keep the costs down , and is as quiet as a mouse walking on tip toes, - that is until the Detriot centre 'works' and then you will hear the noises only a Detriot can make 'Unlocking' ... and 'Re-locking' !.

A hell of a unit offering a absolute massive increase in traction and strength for money that won't break the bank.

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


Pre-Loved Nissan Patrol Y61 Rear HF RD135 Locking Differential 4.37 Ratio


If Required add this on top for New Soleniod New Switch New Hose and all new fittings to complete the above unit

Pre Loved Nissan Patrol Y61 Rear HF RD135 Locking Differential 4.37 Ratio SN 24-Y61-1

We very very rarely get these in to resell, but here we have just the one.... A Rear Y61 Nissan Patrol differential, fitted with a 35/8 CWP set which means it's the 4.37 ratio.

Its been completely stripped down to conponent parts, then cleaned, repolished with all new NTN SKF bearings, new Genuine Nissan Pinion Drive flange seal, and, if you look closely - further upgraded with new HD Crown Wheel Bolts 12.9 Grade same with the Carrier Cap bolts - and then all of them with Nordlock Washers. Being a Genuine Nissan CWP the blue check is excellent !.

The 'Preloved' HF (an ARB Copy) 'Air Locker' has had a new Piston internally, and new O-Rings, and this differential is ready to go to it's new home.

The casing itself has been heavily cleaned, this showed that its had a hard life - there is significant pitting on the casing, but this is only a visual thing really.
The inside was and is perfect. Fitted with our Swivelly stainless steel push fit hose adapter it's all ready to go.

Its the only one we have, and we doubt we will see another for some considerable time. Just make sure this CWP Ratio of 4.37 is the one you want - there are several different ratios of these differentials !
Available with or without the additional new hose switchgear fittings soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30.

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required - this is an outright purchase


Pre Loved 24 Spline ARB RD56 with Standard Ratio 3.54 CWP Stock No Stock No RD56E-2024

So, you really fancy a nice 24 spline 'air locker', but really want to keep the costs down and be a bit sensible ?.
You are not looking to do mental competitions and events, you might have a 200 or 300 TDi 90, and maybe some INSA Turbos, you want a bit more traction, maybe do the odd gentle play day or some greenlanning ?..... Then this may very well fit your bill !.

This is a existing customers differential we have taken in P/Ex. He wanted to get into competitions, and so decided to upgrade.
What we have here is that unit, completely stripped and completely rebuilt..... and a few upgrades too.

Its in a nice Late casing, and, as with many of our builds, we have cut the silly 'Carrier Cap Pin' off the carrier caps, and added on our TIG welded 'Carrier cap upgrade' - a massive strength increase for not a lot extra, and really sensible to do for the Money

It's been fully rebuilt, and our full ultra spec build including our superflange, HD FTC5150 'Wolf' Crown Wheel Bolts, whilst the centre has had new Genuine ARB internal cage, new O rings, New Drive thrusts everything ultra sonic cleaned and repolished, and our popular push fit air line connection ( vs the dreadful ARB heath Robinson effort ! )....all to make it as good as we possibly could. And here it is, a cracking little RD56 ARB Locker that hopefully won't break the bank, and, for it's age this is in really good condition and shows its been looked after.

Available with or without the additional new hose, switchgear, fittings and soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required


Pre Loved 24 Spline ARB RD56 with Standard Ratio 3.54 CWP and Pegged - Stock No PL_RD56_24_PC_354

A nice little ARB RD56 Locker, with standard Ratio 3.54 CWP Gearset and in one of our Pegged Casings

These are great entry level lockers, maybe you have a 200 or 300 TDi T5 90, maybe some INSA Turbos, you want more traction, maybe do the odd gentle play day and some greenlanning ?.....
But want to really try to keep the costs down a bit.....Then this may very well fit your hunt !. This entire differential has been completely stripped and completely rebuilt..... and a few upgrades too.

It's in a nice late Pegged Casing, (do not underestimate the strength increase a pegged casing gives ), and it's been fully rebuilt to our full ultra spec build, including our superflange upgrade, HD FTC5150 'Wolf' Crown Wheel Bolts, and HD flange bolts too. In Picture No 2 you can see its also had a new Xcess4x4 End flange fitted which we CNC machine from EN34T, the standard ones are prone to excessive wear and failure, this one wasn't really good enough for us - so it got upgraded !!

The ARB centre has had a new Genuine ARB internal cage, new air piston, new O rings, new drive thrusts, with everything ultrasonic cleaned and repolished, and our popular 'push fit' air line connection added ( vs the dreadful ARB heath Robinson effort ! )....all to make it as good as we possibly could.

All in all - It's a lot of differential for the money !. Available with or without the additional new hose, switchgear, fittings and soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


ARB RD56 with Standard Ratio 3.54 CWP in Pegged Casing with New Upgraded Xcess4x4 end flange


If Required add this on top for New Soleniod New Switch New Hose and all new fittings to complete the above unit

ARB RD56 with Standard Ratio 3.54 CWP in Pegged Casing with New Upgraded Xcess4x4 end flange

A nice little ARB RD56 Locker - but in a much higher 'Upgraded' version than possbly 'the Normal' spec you see these !

The 'Non Air' End flange on these is a weak cast plate - these fracture and / or the bearing can spin on the journal, a common issue. means it needs replacing !!
The problem then is this part is no longer available - But thats all ok, as we remake them on a 5 axis CNC out of a Billet of EN34T - you'll never break that !.

So this as you can see in the picture has been stripped, with all parts ultrasonic cleaned then repolished, then fully rebuilt with new internal ARB Center cage and Piston, new shims and O Rings along with our Upgraded Xcess 4x4 EN34T End flange, and then HD Centertube bolts.

The center has then been put into one of our pegged casings, along with an Ashcroft Transmission 3.54 (Standard Ratio) CWP, a full ultra Build Spec, all new Timken bearings, Puma Flange upgrade, and finished off with our Pinion seal Superflange upgrade.

A really good entry level Locker, but in a seriously upgraded version !

Available with or without the additional all new - Hose, Switchgear, all Fittings, Soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Out of Stock

Pre Loved 24 Spline Tablocked Ashlocker Long Nose Differential in Xcess 4x4 Pegged Casing plus Pre Loved Rear Cut 3.5 HD CWP Gearset and Tablock Upgrade SN 24-AL-1

We really don't see many of these - A preloved Ashlocker.

This was built for a customer just a few weeks ago, but, not to this specification.
We didn't advise him - he just said 'I know what I want ...which is a Ashlocker, 3.5 HD Rear CWP and not Pegged'.
So after a brief chat he was absolutely adamant, so we just did what he asked......

We then got a phone call a few weeks later saying having spent some tme watching our videos - he now thought he had made the wrong choice...
Aparently - the conversation with his mates was along the lines of 'You want a locker mate, HD CWP sorted like innit.....'(facepalm)

So, bit of an expensive mistake on his part - but... now he is happy....but we were not.

This is the wrong spec really for so we have completely stripped it down ( including the Ashlocker ), Aqua Blast cleaned his 'Collected' casing and
upgraded it to a Pegged unit, and also upgraded the carrier caps too with our Domex Carrier Cap upgrade.

Then completely rebuilt it all back up with new Bearings everywhere, new Puma Type Drive + our superflange upgrade and a Rear Oil Vane upgrade, new Pinion seal ....and a New Tablock Upgrade to the Ashlocker - and NOW - NOW its ready to go.

Well this is now pretty much as 'Top End' a Build as you can get - and offers a real significant saving over a new version at the same spec !.It all look like new - erm because it pretty much is - but its preloved if only a bit so saves a lot over the extar for a new CWP and a New Ashlocker !

And thats about it really, nice solid Ashlocker set up, grab it soon as these do not hang about .............Esp at this price !!

Available with or without the additional all new - Hose, switchgear, fittings, soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Out of Stock

A PAIR of Pre Loved Lockers, A Tablocked Ashlocker and a ARB RD128 Both Pegged, New 3.5 HD CWPs SN: RD12835 AL3.5 - Buy either ...or both and save £s !

Coming soon, with Pictures

Plan is to build 2 x units

A Pre loved Tablocked Ashlocker, Completely stripped cleaned and rebuilt, new O Rings and Upgraded with a Brand New Tablock upgraded 'End flange' system.
Built into a new Pegged Casing, with a Brand New 3.5 Rear Cut HD Ashcroft CWP. Full Ultra Spec Build, all new Timken Bearings etc, and then finished off with a new Puma Drive flange upgrade, Rear Oil Vane upgrade and of course our vey popular Superflange upgrade.

All in all a cracking differential, buy this on its own, or along with the one below as a pair - and save a bit on the overall costs !


Is a Preloved ARB RD128 (The current Model ARB), again, completely stripped cleaned and rebuilt, new O Rings and this also has a brand new genuine ARB center tube, plus a brand new ARB Air End Air Ring, which we have also fitted our ARB weak and easily damaged copper pipe 'Clamp Kit Upgrade' as well !.

This is built into a new Pegged Casing, with a Brand New 3.5 Front Cut HD CWP. Full Ultra Spec Build, all new Timken Bearings etc, and then finished off with a new Puma Drive flange upgrade, this one has a front Oil Vane upgrade and of course our Superflange upgrade.

Another lovely differential, again, either buy this on its own, or the as a pair and save a bit on overall costs !

Available with or without the additional all new - Hose, switchgear, fittings, soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30 which would be each, BUT, buy the pair and you get both kits for the £30.

These should be available est Date : Circa 14th Feb 2025 - NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


A PAIR of PreLoved Tablocked Ashlockers, Pegged Casings, + Brand New Old Stock Front and Rear KAM 4.1 CWPs SN: Pair KAM_4.1


If Required add this on top for New Soleniod New Switch New Hose and all new fittings to complete the above unit

A PAIR of PreLoved Tablocked Ashlockers, Pegged Casings, Brand New Old Stock Front and Rear KAM 4.1 CWPs

Well, this might be tempting if you have a 90 or Defender probably on 34 or 35" tyres and standard 3.54 Ratio diffs ...
and being on 3.54s it is so over geared it drives horribly both on and off road as a result !

You have been thinking of sorting out the gearing, and making it drive so much better with the right ratios, plus have some lockers too !
But ....You aslo know it could cost a small fortune as you know you need upgrade BOTH differentials at the same time, well, these could be just what you are after then !.

As we recently bought in a HUGE amount of genuine brand new 'Old School' KAM stock, we have been slowly working our way through it all.

Amongst all this was a pair of Brand Spanking New (but actually the serious quality old stock 'Original' KAM CWPs - Not what they are now) and these are both 4.1s, and are matching Front and Rear CWPs.
These were, and in this case are, superb quality units.

Being that we also had bought in P/Ex 2 x Preloved Ashlockers we decided to build a pair of 'Specials'.

The specs for both these differential here are 2 x our Pegged casings ( with Domex Carrier Cap upgrades ), all new Timken Bearings, New genuine seal, Puma Drive Flange upgrades, Our Superflange upgrade and to finish them off Tablocking both of the Ashlockers, and adding our Front and Rear Oil vane Upgrades

Basically - WOW !.

We are listing these as a Matching Front and Rear Pair for sale, not seperately, and they are available with or with all new additional bits and bobs - ie all new - Hose, Switchgear, Fittings, Soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £60 which will cover all these parts for BOTH units

A real Stunning pair of Ashlocking Diffs, the 'blue checks' are superb, all you need to do is swallow hard, squeak a little bit Inject your credit card with a anesthetic and press the button, and your 90 will then drive like you wouldn't belive both on and off road ! As a guide - if these were new Ashlockers, as above and with New Ashcroft CWPs then the bill would be just over £4100 inc VAT vs these at £3600 inc VAT.thats quite a saving !

Have a beer ( or 3 ), look at the pictures ...and consider treating yourself lol !

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


Pre Loved 24 Spline Tablocked Ashlocker Differential in Pegged Casing plus Pre Loved Rear 4.75 KAM HD CWP


If Required add this on top for New Soleniod New Switch New Hose and all new fittings to complete the above unit

Pre Loved 24 Spline Ashlocker Long Nose Differential in Xcess 4x4 Pegged Casing plus Pre Loved Rear 4.75 KAM HD CWP and Tablock Upgrade SN 24-AL-2

This is one hell of a spec'd differential !

Preloved Ashlocker - which has been completely stripped checked and new O-Rings in its air system - just daft not to when in bits !.

Then fully rebuilt, and fitted into one of our Pegged Casings with a Preloved and very quiet KAM 4.75 Rear Cut CWP Gearset.<.p> Ashlocker has our Tablock upgrade, with a full ultra Build Spec, new Puma type drive flange, with our Superflange upgrade to finish it off.

HUGE saving over the costs of this sort of specification Differential unit if new, ....and ....when its gone it's gone. ...( Don't kick yourself if you miss it !) And thats about it really, Really nice solid top spec Ashlocker set up, grab it soon as these do not hang about .............Esp at this price !!

Available with or without the additional all new - Hose, switchgear, fittings, soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


Pre Loved 24 Spline Tablocked Ashlocker Differential in Pegged Casing plus Pre Loved Rear 4.75 KAM HD CWP


If Required add this on top for New Soleniod New Switch New Hose and all new fittings to complete the above unit

Pre Loved 24 Spline Ashlocker Long Nose Differential in Xcess 4x4 Pegged Casing plus Pre Loved Rear 4.75 HD CWP and Tablock Upgrade SN 24-ASH-TL-475-1

This is one hell of a spec'd differential !

Preloved Ashlocker - which has been completely stripped checked and new O-Rings in its air system - just daft not to when in bits !.

Then fully rebuilt, and fitted into one of our Pegged Casings with a Preloved and very quiet KAM 4.75 Rear Cut CWP Gearset.<.p> Ashlocker has our Tablock upgrade, with a full ultra Build Spec, new Puma type drive flange, with our Superflange upgrade to finish it off.

HUGE saving over the costs of this sort of specification Differential unit if new, ....and ....when its gone it's gone. ...( Don't kick yourself if you miss it !) And thats about it really, Really nice solid top spec Ashlocker set up, grab it soon as these do not hang about .............Esp at this price !!

Available with or without the additional all new - Hose, switchgear, fittings, soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Single Item


WOW A 30 Year out of storage 10 spline RD03 ARB in amazing condition plus Brand New Genuine LR 4.7 CWP SN 2030


If Required add this on top for New Soleniod New Switch New Hose and all new fittings to complete the above unit

WOW This is a 30 Year old out of storage 10 spline RD03 ARB in quite amazing condition with a Brand New Genuine LR 4.7 CWP SN 2030

Bought in from a dealer clear out. !

A new 4 post ramp was being put in and whilst having his mass clear out he found stuff he didn't even know he had - inc this - which was absolutely filthy from years of workshop dust and grim.
Once we had it completely apart and started cleaing it we saw it had little signs of any use !.
Although it looked hideous - it was just workshop dust and debris -its come back to look amazingly good - one of the very best we have seen for years.

If you are looking for a REALLY good condition 10 spline ARB Locker in 4.7 Gearing - you've just found it.

It's been fully rebuilt, and into a Imperial Late Series 2 / Series 3 Casing (so it has the filler plug in the casing to fill the differential) and not only has it been upgraded to the full ultra spec build including our superflange, but we have also added one of our New (old stock) Genuine LR 4.7:1 Series Ratio CWPs, as being a fabulous centre we wnated it to be a fabulous finished Differential. These Genuine Series 4.7 CWPs are amazing quality, just check out the perfect 'Blue Check' !

The centre itself has new ARB piston, new o rings, new Drive thrusts and a new Genuine Cetnre cage, just to make it as good as we possibly could.
A real find and frankly a unique diff, beats the dreadful rusty junk dreamers laughingly shove on ebay for silly £s !!............Oh, and this diff comes with its own video.

Click to watch : Its like new inside ! - Click to watch video. Avaialble with or without the additional new hose switchgear fittings soleniod etc, which if required is just an extra £30

NO Exchange unit and No Surcharges etc required

Questions or Queries ?
E-Mail : or Ring 0787 908 2490 !