PreLoved PUMA 110 4 Pin Short Nose Differential with a Forged Cross Shaft Upgrade and Lovely DANA (USA) 3.54 Crown Wheel Pinion plus
Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade SN 24-110-4P-1
These are the other type of Land Rover Differentials fitted to Later 110 Raer Axles - - Known as 'P38 Diffs', 'Wolf Diffs' or just plain 'Short Nose
These cause all sorts of issues - and failures as they are not - in anyway shape or form - a Decent replacement for the Older 'Salisbury'
Axle which was previously fitted to 110 rear axles.
There is a Video in the 'Video Section' called 'Everything that can go wrong with a Short Nose Differential' - We suggest you watch it ! - If a
Picture is worth a 1000 words, this video is 10x that !
We now do all sorts of upgrades to make these differentials far far stronger and more therefore more reliable, this unit has some but not all of
those upgrades
We rebuild many of these now, along with some or all of our upgrades both in 'Pegged' and 'UnPegged' Casings, this unit is 'Unpegged'.
BUT mentioned we have removed many of the main failure points of these units. Frankly we feel we don't wnat to supply customer with these
units without the Domex Carrier Cap upgrade etc, as we thing they would be wasting their money - so whilst like this differential we try to keep
the final costs down, there are some things we belive are just too risky to leave 'as is' and risk the unit failing. At trhe end of the day these
are going in a 3.5 Tonne tow capable 110 or 130, a hollow pin each side of the diff holding it all together is in our opinion just not something
we will put our names to ...
So, this does not now have the daft silly and weak 3mm Hollow roll pin which (often fails) holding the entire differential together - it has been
Upgraded with our Domex 700MC 'Carrier Cap Conversion' with our own HD CS80 Grade 'locking ears' - Massively stronger. This roll pin nonsense
was purely a 'Cost Saving' idiotic idea from LR
2nd, the 2 x internal crossover shafts which break (each having 50% cut out at the center where they cross so no it does not have
2 x 18mm cross shafts, it has 2 x 18mm cross shafts with a huge 'notch' out of both.... so its 18mm x 9mm ..... !!) so these have been binned and
one of our monster strong one piece forged cross shafts has been added - never ever have we seen one broken.... in 15 years...
And 3rd - we have upgraded all the bolts, from the Crown Wheel to the Carrier Caps, and even the Pinion itself has a stonger grade 10.9 Grade
Flange Headed Bolt.
All in all this makes this unit hugely stronger, then on top of all of this ( 4th !) the casing is also one of the very late types which has locking
collets between the case and the caps, and as you can see from the Blue Check, this has turned out an absolutely beauty, so both stronger and super
quiet !
A 'NO Exchange' Purchase is possible, see 1st Option, but if you have a core unit to exchange we will ship and then refund on reciept of an acceptable unit,
Exchange unit doesn't mean 100% working and perfect - ring to discuss. We are very reasonable to deal with and sure we can help :D ).
We will also consider taking a P38 2 pin unit in P/Ex (for not as much though LOL )