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    Welcome to our current range & stock of new and ready to ship Differentials.

                     If you don't see what you need or fancy - Ring 07879082490 !

1st are 4 Pins, then 'ATBs', followed by 'Auto Lockers', then 'Full Lockers' - Scroll down to what you fancy ( NOT in price order ! )

Good Stock
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Xcess 4x4 New Differentials Page

We have 2 pages for our differentials on sale.
This is the 'New Differentials " Page, here you will find a selection of 'Built' units ready to be shipped and fitted.

All the pictures are of the actual differentials, we don't use 'Stock' Images.
Each is detailed as to its specification, as we have all sorts of modifications and optional extras to improve reliability and strength, so there will always be a mixed selection !

If you don't see exactly what you fancy or are unsure if what you are looking at fits your requirements just ring - advice is always neutral and free !
And maybe, before you finally choose consider some of our pre-loved differentials on the 'Pre Loved' tab, these can save you significant amounts of money and again we try to have a vast rnage to chose from.

Stock is subject to rapid change - what you see today can be gone in a flash - and when it's gone's gone !.

Single Item


New Ashcroft 4 Pin Domexed Casing + New Antonio Maserio 3.54 CWP SN 24_NEW_4PIN_FCS_1

Here we have a very nice balance of an lovely Differential 'upgraded' - without going too mad on either the upgrades as a result the price. !!

This is a classic 'spend just a little bit more to get a much better product' differential.
Yes, you can absolutely buy yourself a cheaper 4 pin unit, but if you can justify spending that little bit more on this unit - you'll get a much stronger differential

Lets take the center 1st.

If you look at the picture of the 'before and after' cross shafts you will see the standard 18mm cross pins have a 50% 'Joint' cut from them - they are now really just 18mm x 9mm !.
So what we have done is take those out (they do fracture easier than you might think...with dire consequences....) and replaced them with our own 'One Piece Forged Cross Shaft - massively stronger.

Then - the Carrier Caps.....

We have cut off the rather silly cost cutting by LR 3mm hollow pin - supposedly this is going to hold your entire differential center from moving (facepalm) ... and added our own 'Domex Carrier Cap Upgrades' Tig welded into place and finished off with our CS80 HD locking ears, again a huge stength and reliability increase.

And then - upgrade wise - we stopped. Keeping it a differential that's more affordable - but much stronger then the normal similar offering out there....

The build specification is our full normal 'Ultra Build ' Spec. All new Timken Bearings, upgraded HD Crown Wheel Bolts, along with a new beautiful ultra high quality Italian 'Antonio Maserio' CWP 3.54 (Standard Ratio) .......and just look at the 'Blue Check' pattern.... - absolutely textbook and superb !.

This all makes for a super smooth super quiet new differential, finished off with a new PUMA Drive flange upgrade and our Superflange upgrade.

Out of Stock

New Ashcroft ATB in Pegged Casing + New Antonio Maserio 3.54 CWP SN 24-ATB-NEW-1

Have a lookie at the 'A-Z of Land Rover Differentials section regarding what an 'ATB' is if you are unsure, but, in simple terms on an 'Open' (ie your standard factory) Differential driving on wet roads, sand, snow, mud, or even wet grass, one wheel typically breaks traction allowing all the drive to the wheel which then spins.. losing traction...... you are now stationary !.

ATBs will always try to equalise the torque / drive to each wheel, this reduces the possibility of a spinning situation and thus gives superior grip and handling.

ATBs are also amazingly strong too, more so when 'Pegged', consider that more traction will mean more stress, hence why we will often build these into our Pegged Casings for extra strength reliability and to protect your investment.

Ashcroft and Quaife ATBs are often refered to as 'LSDs' 'Limited Slip Diffs' (Technically incorrect but sort of ok lol)
Technically - LSDs have plates and DO require special LSD Oils, ATBs do the same job, but via gears, and DO NOT need special oils.

Specification is the New ATB is built into one one our 'Pegged Casings', along with a new beautiful quality Italian 'Antonio Maserio' CWP 3.54 (Standard Ratio) .......and just look at the 'Blue Check' pattern.... - textbook and superb !

Assembled with all new Timken bearings, PUMA Drive flange upgrade and our Superflange upgrade to finish it off.

Single Item


New Ashcroft ATB in Pegged Casing + New HD 3.5 Polished CWP SN 24-New_ATB-NEW_3.5-1

This is a New ATB - on Steriods !.

It starts with one of our Pegged Casings, along with a New Ashcroft 24 spline ATB, then with the our full ATB Ultra Build Spec with all new Timken Bearings, a Genuine Seal, and of course our Superflange upgrade.

It then takes a jump to the next level - Look at the pictures ! - The Crown Wheel has very special Heavy Duty SAE8 HD Hex Bolts with Special Nordlock Washers to secure it (the best youi can do on these - superior bolts and these fixings are essential on ATBs), and then, to really make this unit jump out at you - it also has an amazing and quite superb Polished HD 3.5 Heavy Duty Crown Wheel and Pinion Gearset - Just look at the finish both on the rear of the Crown Wheel face - where the pad runs, and then the stunning 'Blue Check' - just ....what a unit !

ATBs will always try to equalise the torque / drive to each wheel, this reduces the possibility of a spinning situation and thus gives superior grip and handling.
ATBs are also amazingly strong too, more so when 'Pegged', consider that more traction will mean more stress, hence why we will often build these into our Pegged Casings for that extra strength needed to give proper reliability - and to protect your investment.

Ashcroft and Quaife ATBs are often refered to as 'LSDs' 'Limited Slip Diffs' (Technically incorrect but sort of ok lol)
Technically - LSDs have plates and DO require special LSD Oils, ATBs do the same job, but via gears, and DO NOT need special oils.

Single Item


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.5 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.5 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.75 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.75 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegge Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.12 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.12 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.37 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.37 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.75 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.75 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.5 HD FRONT CWP +plusKAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.5 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.75 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 3.75 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.12 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.12 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.37 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.37 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.75 HD FRONT CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade


Ultimate Pegged Casing with Domex Carrier Upgrade Ashcroft 4.75 HD REAR CWP plus KAM LSD Full Ultra Build with Puma and Superflange upgrade

Build Your Own Brand spanking new KAM Limited Slip Differentials from our brand new old stock we have sourced

Well this is a bit of a one off post - haven't ever done something this in the 15 years of Diff building ! ............

You may have seen that we bought in a huge stock of brand new old stock KAM Differentials parts, including a large number of the fabulous 4 Pin centers ... and even tastier..... KAM Limited Slip Differential Centers - with one piece 'forged cross shafts'

Now, these LSD centers are the earlier ones which were IMHO the best that KAM ever made, even now ( more so being brand new ) - I would say these are STILL the best plated LSDs that money can buy. Rather than having them just sit on the shelf I have had a little idea.

Below is a listing of all the possible ways these can be built. If you fancy one or even a pair, then you can 'Pre Order' - there will be a 4-5 weeks build delay as these will be built to order.
We can also lower the clamping force if you would like for a slightly softer "Front" LSD - but rather than digress - ring and chat

One of the drawbacks on these KAM LSDs is the parts availability. Whilst we have had a stock of plates etc, but the stock is near gone.

The really brilliant additional news to the above is we now have the original CNC / DXF files for all the above, so we will shortly be taking stock of new LSD Plates and other parts, meaning we will be able to replace worn friction and separator plates etc if these ever need in the future - or for any already out there.!
It's something we have thought about for a long time, but we have decided to go ahead and invest in spares as the demand for these units both new and existing is very strong. These LSDs are super strong, way way over engineered, and we rarely see any broken, they are beautifully engineered, and, these being early units are 'LSD Plated' on BOTH sides of the 2 x 24 spline drive gears.

Also..... even though they are brand new ..... we have / will be stripping them completely, ultrasonic cleaning oiling and then rebuilding as in the pictures below. If you fancy one / pair of these then grab soon - as these we know will be snapped up, by those who know what they are, how good they are, and rate them. !

Once we get down to single figures remaining we will add a warning note to the webshop, .....but for now we can say we have "Good Stock" !!

So, your options are : (Oh and we will not be selling these 'Unpegged' or with 'Standard CW&P's - Top End centers need Top End builds !)

Option 1.

  • Xcess 4x4 Pegged "Colleted" Casing
  • Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade
  • Brand New KAM 24 Spline LSD Center
  • Heavy Duty Front or Rear Rotation CW&P
  • Ratios you can choose - 3.5 / 3.75 / 4.1 / 4.37/ 4.75
  • Front or Rear Cut
  • Full Ultra Build Spec
  • Front / Rear Oil Vane Upgrades
  • Superflange Upgrade
  • Puma Flange Upgrade
  • £1288 + VAT + Shipping
  • Option 2.

  • Xcess 4x4 Ultimate "Big Bearing" Pegged "Collected" Casing
  • Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade
  • Brand New KAM 24 Spline LSD Center
  • Heavy Duty Front or Rear Rotation CW&P
  • Ratios you can choose - 3.5 / 3.75 / 4.1 / 4.37/ 4.75
  • Front or Rear Cut
  • Full Ultra Build Spec
  • Superflange Upgrade
  • Puma Flange Upgrade
  • £1445 + VAT + Shipping

    God these are just so superb !😍

    Price, as with all our Differentials is a OUTRIGHT Cost - ie NO Surcharges, NO Exchange Costs.
    If you are needing it shipped overseas - E-Mail me for a quote !

  • Out of Stock

    New Ashcroft ATB Center with New 4.75 Front Cut Reverse Rotation HD CWP in New Pegged Casing SN:24-ATB-1

    Some differential builds are ok, some are good / very good, and like this one some really REALLY good.!

    This is a Brand New Ashcroft ATB (A Limited Slip Differential - but it works via 'Gears' not 'Plates') - so no special oils etc, pretty much fit and (other than oil changes) forget.
    This was build for a customer who ran just after finsihing building the 2nd of his 2 x differential orders, he asked to change this to a High Grade 4 pin unit ...Argh...

    We decided that we would leave this as is, and pop on the webshop, and then we built / or is that rebuilt (?) lol - his 2nd order. So here it is !.
    When / If we get time we may build up a matched unit for a Rear Axle, and offer these as a pair. 2 x ATBs can be absolutely unbelivable vs standard open diffs, problem is we are so busy unsure when this might be - so listing this 'as is' in meantime !.

    It has a Brand new HD 'Reverse Cut / Front Rotation' Crown wheel and Pinion (See section in our FAQs that will explain this - but do NOT buy this and fit into a rear axle casing !.) We have also built it up into one of our Pegged Casings, with a Brand New Ashcroft ATB - All in all a beauty !

    Price, as with all our Differentials is a OUTRIGHT Cost - ie NO Surcharges, NO Exchange Costs. You fancy a really nice new ATB ? - You've just found it.

    Single Item


    Xcess 4x4s 'Ultimate Ashlocker' 3.5 Rear Differential - Check Build Spec below !

    Well, if you are reading this you are maybe thinking of treating yourself to a new Ashlocker ?
    And, if that's the case you won't regret an Ashlocker - absolutely the best locker for a Land Rover axle money can buy....
    But...Lets be brutally honest here right now......You will absolutely definately be able to by an Ashlocker cheaper than this.......

    Better ?...100% No.... Not a chance ....Not even close to what you are looking at here.

    Whilst we are known for building and rebuilding very high quality differentials, we also make some serious upgrades, to make the builds stronger better and more reliable, and this is exactly one of those builds. This is a Ashlocker - with a difference...or rather differenceS !. Lets just run through what the specification of this unit is and why it's just so special and so superb.

    1st, it has a very late 'Puma Casing', which after being 'Aqua Blast' cleaned has been converted to our 'Pegged Casing' specification.
    Additionally the rather daft 'hollow pins' holding the Adjuster rings in place.... (or trying / and often failing !)... have been cut off, and our 'Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade Conversion' TIG welded in place, along with our own HD CS80 grade Adjuster ring 'Ears'with 12.9 Grade Bolts and Nylocs to secure. To understand our 'Carrier Cap' Upgrade- Watch this video !.

    Now, whilst we will always use the best of everything - ie Timken Bearings, Genuine seals, always we use all new (and upgraded) Bolts, Nordlock washers, upgraded flanged headed Pinion Bolt we always use there are many other things we upgrade - all as standard in all our builds.

    This also has all of our popular upgrades we do like our 'Superflange' and our 'Oil Vane' upgrade, all are here ..
    BUT.....on Ashlockers.... We can seriously increase the reliability and strength of Ashlockers with our 'Tablock Upgrade' - which this has.
    To understand the 'Tablock Upgrade'- Watch this video !. A massive strength increase and for the additional cost it's proving to be an almost 'standard' request on the majority of our Customer builds...

    And finally, Just check out the finish on the Crown Wheel. Look closely at both the rear face of the Crown wheel and the Blue Check.
    This is a very special HD 3.5 Rear Crown wheel, it has a special finish, again increasing strength, reliability and the final overall finished quality of the differential.

    All of this extra effort and using the best parts costs money, and yes, add them all up, and that does push up the final price up, it's all down to if you want to spend as little as possible...and frankly cut corners, or, spend a little more for one hell of an upgraded Ashlocker - thats your call and yours alone. Some customers either can't justify or just don't have the funds to go this far, but if you can - and you do - then it's one hell of a diff !.

    Like the old saying from Benjamin Franklin - 'The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.' - and thats as true as ever today.

    The only upgrade we haven't done to this build is our 'Big Bearing' conversion - but one of those is planned for a build shortly.
    One issue though is possibly the last 2 we built never quite made themselves to the webshop fact same on my own differential - that never made it into my 90.... neither did the 2 others that followed.

    Only when I couldn't put up with the horrible nosies that were coming out of my 90s rear axle sounded terminal did Build No 4 actually HAVE to make in in there

    All in all a this really is more than just a new differential - It's more like a thing of beauty !

    Well, we were so impressed we had to do a video of it ! - Enjoy !

    Price, as with all our Differentials is a OUTRIGHT Cost - ie NO Surcharges, NO Exchange Costs. You fancy a really nice new ATB ? - You've just found it.

    Single Item


    New 'Xcess 4x4s 'Ultimate Ashlocker' 3.5 Rear Differential - AND with a 'Big Bearing' Pegged Casing as well !!

    Well, if you are reading this you are maybe thinking of treating yourself to a new Ashlocker ?
    And, if that's the case you won't regret an Ashlocker - absolutely the best locker for a Land Rover axle money can buy....
    But...Lets be brutally honest here right now......You will absolutely definately be able to by an Ashlocker cheaper than this.......

    Better ?...100% No.... Not a chance ....Not even close to what you are looking at here.

    Whilst we are known for building and rebuilding very high quality differentials, we also make some serious upgrades, to make the builds stronger better and more reliable, and this is exactly one of those builds. This is a Ashlocker - with a difference...or rather differenceS !. Lets just run through what the specification of this unit is and why it's just so special and so superb.

    1st, it has a very late 'Puma Casing', which after being 'Aqua Blast' cleaned has been converted to our 'Pegged Casing' specification.
    Additionally the rather daft 'hollow pins' holding the Adjuster rings in place.... (or trying / and often failing !)... have been cut off, and our 'Domex Carrier Cap Upgrade Conversion' TIG welded in place, along with our own HD CS80 grade Adjuster ring 'Ears'with 12.9 Grade Bolts and Nylocs to secure. To understand our 'Carrier Cap' Upgrade- Watch this video !.

    Now, whilst we will always use the best of everything - ie Timken Bearings, Genuine seals, always we use all new (and upgraded) Bolts, Nordlock washers, upgraded flanged headed Pinion Bolt we always use there are many other things we upgrade - all as standard in all our builds.

    This also has all of our popular upgrades we do like our 'Superflange' and our 'Oil Vane' upgrade, all are here ..
    BUT.....on Ashlockers.... We can seriously increase the reliability and strength of Ashlockers with our 'Tablock Upgrade' - which this has.
    To understand the 'Tablock Upgrade'- Watch this video !. A massive strength increase and for the additional cost it's proving to be an almost 'standard' request on the majority of our Customer builds...

    And finally, Just check out the finish on the Crown Wheel. Look closely at both the rear face of the Crown wheel and the Blue Check.
    This is a very special HD 3.5 Rear Crown wheel, it has a special finish, again increasing strength, reliability and the final overall finished quality of the differential.

    All of this extra effort and using the best parts costs money, and yes, add them all up, and that does push up the final price up, it's all down to if you want to spend as little as possible...and frankly cut corners, or, spend a little more for one hell of an upgraded Ashlocker - thats your call and yours alone. Some customers either can't justify or just don't have the funds to go this far, but if you can - and you do - then it's one hell of a diff !.

    Like the old saying from Benjamin Franklin - 'The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.' - and thats as true as ever today.

    AND .............this is the absolute best we can build as is also has our Pegged Casing 'Big Bearing' conversion........................

    If you are thinking what and why is this 'big Bearing' conversion so good - Click here to watch a video on our big bearing conversion

    All in all a this really is more than just a new differential - It's absolutely a thing of beauty - and the strongest Ashlocker you can buy - anywhere.. !

    Price, as with all our Differentials is a OUTRIGHT Cost - ie NO Surcharges, NO Exchange Costs. You fancy a really nice new ATB ? - You've just found it.

    Out of Stock

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    Here for Website Guru to use for testing

    Questions or Queries ?
    E-Mail : or Ring 0787 908 2490 !