If you're thinking or you already are running a upgraded Differential, whatever it might be, you will have, or will be spending a significant amount of money on your Differential.
Add a Heavy Duty CW&P and that investment could easily reach £1000ish, possibly £2000 if you do both Differentials. Then there's Heavy Duty shafts and so on. Not Cheap. Even a Second Hand 'Locker' of some flavour in Good Condition will be circa £600+ And then it can all go of so horribly horribly wrong, and your expensive Differentials can be seriously damaged or even destroyed in a split second Off Road ..**** WE ARE BACK and OPEN **** Just have not managed to put all of our stock back on line yet ! Questions or Queries E-Mail : megasquirt.v8@gmail.com or Ring 0787 908 2490 !
Megasquirt V8 - Land Rover Pegged Differentials for Ultimate Strength
Why ? How ? And what can you do to both increase the Strength & Protect your investment ?
It's very common for either Standard or Upgraded Heavy Duty CW&Ps to loose 'Tips' and bits of their teeth when used hard off road. The slightest chip not only means the CW&P has had it, but those 'Chips' can them move into the Differential Centre itself, doing secondary, often severe even terminal damage. In your Land Rover Differential the Pinion is in effect doing a 'Corkscrewing' movement against the Crown Wheel, as it does this it's really trying to 'Push' the Crown Wheel away from the Pinion. With heavy torque & shock loadings this effect can in an instant magnify enough for the mesh of the Pinion & Crown Wheel to move apart, riding up the root tooth, at this point for a fraction of a second the teeth are being driven on their 'Tips', and as these are weak they break away.Very often on the return of the Pinion & Crown Wheel to full mesh additional damage is incurred. These case hardened broken bits of teeth are now all lonely and going looking for friends to play with ...your expensive Differential Centre being both close and the most attractive.....
"Pegging" the Land Rover Differential Casing increases the strength of the Differential via the special modifications we carry out in house (we make our own 'Pegged' Casings) massively, by ensuring once fitted a constant contact and full mesh of the CW&P is maintained at all times.

See the Video which shows exactly the efforts taken to actually make a Megasquirt V8 'Pegged Casing' from start to finish : See Video as to how we make these and what goes into the conversion